Ne asezam cu capul pe plase (ca doar asa se vine intotdeauna din oras de la masa :) si incepem intai cu o discutie usoara despre constelatiile sudice avand in plan desigur si lucruri mai concrete. Se auzea muzica de pe mal, luna parea ca iese de dupa un nor, de la stele trecem la luna si brusc aud “ce frumos iese luna – scoal-te repede, hai, hai ,hai”.
Uimit de efectul rapid selenar ma misc si ….

asa arata Simona la sfarsitul actiunii. Nu pun si filmul ca nu este frumos sa se auda ce poate sa spuna o Doamna ….
Pot sa spun insa ca a tot vorbit singura pana la hotel, mi-a explicat ce-i place si ce nu in viata, samd.
Dar ce s-a intamplat, ce a rascolit-o atat ???? Doar El, Mr. Sea Snake

care a trecut cu cei 3 metrii ai sai peste plasele noastre vrand sa traverseze digul. La receptie au zis ca nu este periculos dar cum maine mergem la diving o sa-i intreb pe specialisti.
Pana una alta am gasit aici urmatorul text care desigur ca orice informatie de pe internet nu convinge !
“Sea Snakes (Banded sea snake – Hydrophis cyanocinctus; Common sea snake – Enhydrina schistosa ) - Locally known as “ular laut”. Sea snakes are plentiful around the coast of Bali and her neighboring Islands. Up to 1.5 meters, and as the name suggests, the banded sea snake has bi-colored bands the length of it’s body. These sea snakes tend to be more active at night, and can even be seen basking on the sand along the beaches after dark.
While this snake is considered venomous, bites are rarely reported due to several reasons. This character has a comparatively small mouth, and its envenoming fangs are set towards the back of the jaw. Bites that have been reported have occurred on earlobes and the web of skin at the base of the fingers. While this is a curious creature it is not aggressive unless provoked, when it will not hesitate to attempt a bite.
This snake’s venom is a neurotoxin, and may contain “myotoxins” (attacks the muscle). While envenomation may be rare, all bites from sea snakes should be treated as potentially dangerous.
Common trouser snake (Erectus board shortus) – locally known as “cowok”. This creature can be found in almost every habitat on the island and is not difficult to locate as it comes attached to the male species of the homo-sapien. Flaccid at rest it quickly becomes erect if provoked. This snakes poison works by “insemination” rather than “envenomation”. This species actively seeks out prey and is not usually shy on initial encounters but tends to retreat once it has inseminated it’s victim.
Not all victims will experience adverse reactions following an encounter with “erectus board shortus”. Signs however are insidious and can take weeks or months to appear. Initial symptoms would include nausea, vomiting and swelling, bloated abdomen (female victims only). While these encounters are rarely fatal, victims inseminated by infected creatures (HIV, Hepatitis C) may contract the disease. The fatality rate in these cases is high!!!”
Daca stie cineva de care este sarpele (din poza!) as aprecia inputul !
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